Akami (lean cut tuna)

Akami Tuna Sushi

Akami comes from the area around the tuna's spine and tail. It is deep red in color and lacks the lighter colored fat. Hence, it is low fat and slightly firm in texture and least valued by japanese. The good news, it is priced less than the other quality cuts.

Some may confuse Ahi tuna of Hawaii as the red BF tuna. Raw Ahi tuna meat is dark pink to deep red in color and has a milder flavor. Big Eye Tuna also is milder in flavor and its tail and spine area are sold as this cut and should cost half as less to BF tuna.

Nearly 90 years ago this cut was the prized favorite cut.

Use this type for making spicy tuna, because the mayonnaise becomes the buttery fat lacking in this cut.

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